About me

Kia ora, ko Chantal tōku ingoa. I’m an NZ Registered Nutritionist using an approach that will balance my nutritional expertise with the fact that you know your body better than anyone else.

I am a weight-inclusive practitioner meaning your treatment is based on your concerns, goals and health and not your weight. I specialise in reproductive and fertility health, hormonal health, and infants and toddlers with a focus on raising healthy eaters without diet-culture behaviours. I love these areas of nutrition and am approaching 10 years in this field.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi Engari, he toa takitini – My success is not mine alone, but it is the strength of many. 

I’m a passionate foodie who finds obsessive joy in the kitchen and sharing kai with those I love.  

I love to travel, am a māmā of two whose journey created a blended family outside the pregnancy norm, and have a love for exercise, art history, dance and photography. While I definitely consider myself a humanitarian, my man is a surfer and an avid environmentalist and together we have a passionate foundation of social and climate justice threaded through much of how I live and interact with the world. Food is political, parenting is political.  

As I head toward my late-30’s (old photo here, I never seem to update) I’m becoming less apologetic about calling out damaging diet culture and health inequities in spaces predominantly void of marginalised voices. I want to offer the next generation safer spaces to grow a healthy relationship with their bodies and food without fear, shame and trauma. 

My food loves have always been coffee, caramel, and champagne and I enjoy these without guilt. I eat intuitively with a plant base, homegrown or hand caught and sprinkle of environmental consideration. 

I am of Māori, Cook Island Māori and Dutch whakapapa so food is such a huge part of my culture in many ways. This is a queer friendly space and all types of whānau are welcome. 




I am registered with the Nutrition Society of NZ which means I have met their minimum requirements that all registered nutritionists hold a Bachelor’s degree at least, meet their professional experience and further education requirements, and uphold their strict code of ethics. I actually hold two degrees myself: A Bachelor of Science double majoring in Human Nutrition and Exercise Science from Massey University, Auckland, and a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology from Waikato University. I am always furthering my study and have allocated time every week for continued education.

The term “nutritionist” is not protected in NZ so anyone with a diploma or even an online course can call themselves a nutritionist, a nutrition coach, or a registered clinical nutritionist. None of those terms come with a guarantee of a degree or experience unfortunately.

